Aldea Artisans

  • Aldea Artisans
  • Aldea Artisans

Mike Braeuer


Services provided:

Our iamdesigning team has achieved a clean design and integration of Shopify store, Ecommerce Website for Aldea Artisans in Austin, Texas US.

It is a Shopify based site for selling scarf. We have added many features like Jquery Slider, Jquery Carousel and many more. Also it is customized with clean and simple designs. The Coding standards of the Website have been followed as per Shopify Certificate policy. The site is designed in a natural way, and looks very attractive. Real life pictures of people and products make it look lively and interactive rather than the animated kind of effect given to enhance the appearance of the site.

The product page display is simply superb and it has a very stylish and cool look. Layouts such as these contribute a great deal for the enrichment of the entire website in terms of its look and performance! Also, the overall color scheme used is neat and subtle that adds more life to the existing site… If you wanted to develop similar sites for your business as well, contact iamdesigning!

Aldea Artisans facilitates access to the international market for handmade goods made by artisans, which creates income-generating opportunities for them that are greater than those available locally.

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