
We at iamdesigning specialize in designing stunning Logo’s and we also do customization of pre-existing Logo’s. Our company has composed a Logo for Danvantri (SDMSV). The Logo holds a Bowl of Herbal Medicine and a cloth nearby for Fomentation! The bowl contains green colour substance which could be nothing but herbal medicines! Thus this logo […]

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We at iamdesigning specialize in designing stunning Logos and we also do customization of pre-existing Logos. Our company has designed the Logo for Danvantri (SDMSV). The Logo holds a Bowl of Herbal Medicines (herbs – leaves), which strongly denotes that it relates to a natural method of diagnosis, the Ayurveda Treatment. Danvantri is nothing but […]

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We have designed a Ecommerce Website for Mineral Tiles,with current recognized Web standards together to represent it on the web.Coding standards followed as per Bigcommerce Certificate policy.

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We at iamdesigning have designed a Ecommerce Website for Solspex in Alberta, Canada. The Coding standards has been followed as per Shopify Certificate policy.

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